Friday, May 20, 2011

5-20-11 WOD

5 Burpees
20 kb swings
5 burpees
20 pushups
5 burpees
20 squats
5 burpees
Run 400 m
5 berpees
20 ring rows

1 comment:

  1. I don't have a KB at home so here's how it went down:
    5 burpee
    25 KB with 20 lb DB
    5 burpee
    25 push up (strict)
    5 burpee
    25 squat
    5 burpee
    1000ft run (driveway)
    5 burpee
    25 DB thruster 20lb DB
    Time: 6:14

    Cool Down: 2 mile run with dog tripping me.
    16:00 and almost minus one dog. . .
