Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Why We Get Fat and What to Do About It. . .

Join investigative journalist Gary Taubes, author of Why We Get Fat and Good Calories, Bad Calories, as he addresses CrossFit HQ Seminar Staff at the Trainer Summit held in October in San Diego.

“I’m interested in trying to get the medical-research establishment to change the way they think about the foremost medical issues of our day, which is obesity,” he says.

According to Taubes, the current energy-expenditure hypothesis says that obesity results from caloric imbalance due to an overly prosperous “toxic environment.” He provides examples of how this hypothesis falls short of explaining obesity prevalence in malnourished populations with high activity levels.
Taubes explains that fat accumulation is regulated by insulin, which is the “fat-storage hormone.” To lose fat, you have to lower insulin levels. Because insulin is secreted in response to dietary carbohydrates, Taubes suggests restricting carbohydrates, especially high-glycemic, starchy carbs.
The video below gives a nice summary of most of the critical points presented in the book ‘Why We Get Fat’. I highly recommend those of you who have not read this book to set aside the 20mins and watch this whole video. Equally if you have read the book then this video serves as a good refresher.
This is the condensed version. If you really want to educate yourself on the topic click here for part 1 of 3

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