Tuesday, December 20, 2011

The Road To Fitness. . .

Tonight as I walked through the gym I noticed many of you after you had completed the WOD.  Covered in sweat and breathing hard, it was the first time that I saw what I've been looking for in our athletes.  Behind the sweat, there was a smile... Behind the labored breathing, there was a feeling of success.  In case you haven't noticed, the workouts this week have been harder than usual.  And I'd like to take this opportunity to congratulate the entire community on raising your fitness bar and doing more work!  Your trainers have noticed your commitment to your fitness level, to your health, and to your community.  The road to fitness is a long one, with slow change and small victories, and you are all growing stronger.  The workouts will continue to grow with you!  I tell you this not to scare you but to inspire you to continue to raise the bar every day.
     There is another part of fitness that we have to look at also.  Now that you are becoming a seasoned athlete, it is your obligation to continue to inspire those around you through your actions, words, works, and lifestyle... I would like to encourage all of you to bring a family member or friend to the gym with you over the next month.  Introduce them to exercise slowly and encourage them to continue to work small WODs every day.  Starting slow and allowing your body to adapt to the WODs ensures a safe / injury free experience and sets us up for a successful lifetime of exercise!  As the community continues to grow, we are all excited by the small victories that are occurring everyday.  I would like to encourage each of you to share your victories and successes with your fellow gym members.  It inspires me to hear your successes!  I'll be the first you share with all of you... tonight I achieved a personal record for my clean.  In the beginning of the year, my clean and jerk was only 95 pounds.... I set a goal for myself to reach 185 pounds by December 31st.  Although I did not clean and jerk 185 pounds tonight, I was able to achieve half of my goal by cleaning 185 pounds.  A small victory that will lead me to my goal!  Today at the gym, let you trainers and fellow gym members know what your victories are, I can guarantee you it will inspire them as it does me...

 Until then...   Stay Strong.     Stay Fit.

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