Thursday, May 31, 2012



1st place: Caryl Nunez 
2nd place: Beth Acly 
3rd place: Gary Carlson...(pending a food journal)

...But really everyone won! Everyone improved!! Thank you to all those who competed in the first ever May Performance Challenge.
Thank you to Patricia Vera from FootPrints who came out to give us a chance to get the best footwear and a little insight on what the pros use.
We also want all the competitors of the challenge to get a t-shirt. If you did not already get one please remind us in your next class.

June 1st also marks the start of the new schedule....

6:30am class is in session!!
6:00pm class will also be added.

Saturday June 2:

9:00am normal class
10:00am XL class.... This will be our first XL class. We hope all of our athletes participating are excited to reach a new level of fitness. Be ready to challenge yourself!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

May Performance Challenge

All athletes, those competing and not, will perform the test for the May Performance Challenge in all classes tomorrow.

The 6pm class is cancelled tomorrow.....

...We will be hosting a representative from FootPrints at 6pm.
They will be selling merchandise and giving demonstrations on their athletic shoes. Come take advantage of the opportunity.
We will also be naming the top 3 winners for the Challenge.

Good luck to all the competitors!!

Monday, May 28, 2012


May Performance Challenge 

You have 3 days left before your performance test.... just a reminder.

JUNE Schedule 

We will be adding classes and changing some times for the month of June. This will be sure to accommodate our crossfitters better. You can view June's schedule under the "schedule" tab on the left hand side as well as the schedule for July and August.

We will be adding:

  1. Kids and Teens class at 4pm monday, wednesday, friday. 
  2. Level 1 class at 5:30pm tuesday and thursday upstairs. 
  3. Regular class friday at 6pm. 
  4. XL class (athlete's class) monday and wednesday at 7pm and saturday 10am. 
The level 1 class is designed as a transition or base level class for those who want to further develop their technique or skills before starting the regular class. The intensity and demand will be decreased from the regular class. 

The XL class is designed as a competition class. It will be for devoted athletes willing to push themselves  into higher levels of training. You must be capable of all movements before joining. 

Any questions???? Please contact us at or ask a trainer during class. 

Sunday, May 27, 2012


Gym Open 

CCF will be open tomorrow, May 28th, Memorial day from 9-11. It will be an open gym (no set class time). Come WOD with us as we remember our heroic soldiers. 

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

May 31- Upcoming event


We will be concluding our May Challenge on May 31st and we want everyone there!!! We will be testing all our athletes in the crossfit total and the mile run. Even if you are not signed up for the May Challenge, come to compete with them or cheer them on. The top 3 winners will receive prizes:

1st place- 1 month free membership
2nd place- Free supplements
3rd place- CCF Tshirt

CCF will also be hosting FootPrints at 6pm

A representative from FootPrints will be at our gym to offer advice, answer any questions and give a discount on a wide variety of athletic footwear that will be available for purchase at the CCF that night after the competition. FootPrints is located in Newington, CT and is well known by athletes all over CT. We suggest you take advantage of this opportunity.

Here is a link to the store website:

Just as a reminder.....

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

How Your “Healthy” Habits Might Not Be So Healthy

We might all find ourselves guilty of some of these food habits. Just remember to be aware of them!...

Whether trying to lose some weight, tone up, or feel healthier overall, that picture-perfect diet is the key to success… right? Hold up: With the growth of various “health fads — like liquid diets and all-you-can-eat cabbage soup — mixed messages about the best ways to stay healthy flood the airwaves. And some experts believe it’s the message certain diets support that cause them to flop, because they focus on losing weight instead of adopting an overall healthier lifestyle[1]. Here are some of the most common diet mishaps and how to help ditch them to turn any lifestyle into a healthy one!

 Finish reading all the tips here:

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Intro to Nutritional Couseling

May 16th...during each class.

You will be introduced to our nutritional counseling services.

Certified Nutritional Consultant
Evelyn DeDominicis
(Now on staff)

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Time to Lose the Booze ? ? ?

Here's yet another informative article on the affects alcohol has on your fitness routine.  It's sure to make you think twice before stepping up to the bar... Unless it on the floor right before you clean and jerk!


  • Alcohol can’t be stored as energy in the muscles (since it’s not a nutrient), so it’s stored as fat instead[4]
  • Alcohol can also negate all that work in the weight room. While studies on humans have been harder to execute (most participants don’t take well to the suggestion of chugging a few beers before hitting the squat rack…), alcohol has proved to diminish protein synthesis in rats, which stops muscle growth by preventing the repair of damaged muscles[12]. Hitting the bottle may also decrease levels of human growth hormone (HGH), which helps the body build muscle[13].


Monday, May 7, 2012

A Tight Fit May Not BeThe Right Fit . . .

I found this article on the web and thought some of you might like to get the "skinny" on compression clothing.  Enjoy!

Can Compression Clothing Make Me a Better Athlete?

by Claudine Morgan · 4 days ago · Fitness

Think compression clothing is really just tight workout gear? Try again! While these pieces may be a bit more body hugging than traditional workout gear and originally used in a medical setting to assist with healing, compression garments are becoming increasingly popular among athletes. Manufacturers like Under Armour and SKINs claim compression clothing increases muscle power and stamina, improves coordination, and speeds recovery. But this doesn’t necessarily mean it’s time to upgrade the old gym wardrobe in favor of some more shapely gear.


Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Performance Challenge Updates. . .

I have received several questions regarding this month's Performance Challenge so I'd like to clarify a few things before the competition begins to heat up...  
The Pre-Test includes a CrossFit Total and timed mile run which has to be completed and verified by a CrossFit trainer this week.  For the rest of the month, participants are required to record all of their workouts as well as any food they consume in a journal.  The journal can be our "wellness" journal that you must request via email, it can also be the back of the Big Mac wrapper you ate for lunch (But I hope it isn't!!)  You can be as specific or as general as you like, as long as you have your meals, snacks, drinks recorded. (There is no specific diet we are looking for, we just want you be more responsible for what you are eating.)   If you want to put ounces, liters, or calories, be my guest!  At the end of the month, May 31st, we will repeat the CF total and timed mile.  The participant with the greatest level of performance improvement will be our winner.  First prize is a 1 month membership at Columbia CrossFit, second prize is a container of Arbonne protein powder, and third prize may be one of my old, stinky, workout shirts... ( it may be worth millions some day!) 
There will be a small reception after the 5pm class on May 31st to congratulate all of our contest finishers and we will also have a "shoe" presentation sponsored by Footprints in Newington, CT.  The presentation will outline several minimalist style shoes that have become popular in the CrossFit community due to their high adaptability for the various workouts presented in CrossFit.  All participants at the talk will be able to purchase shoes that evening and receive a 10% discount as well!  If there is time, we will tally the performance scores and announce the winners at the end of the talk.  In order to win the challenge, you will have to also present a completed journal for the month of May.
I hope that this clarifies any questions regarding the Challenge.  If you have other questions regarding the challenge, you can ask me in class...  Stay Strong....           Stay Fit.....

~ mat