Friday, October 14, 2011

Testing Your Self

Does CrossFit really work?
Is it worth the money every month?
Can I get by doing a little less?

Have these questions ever come into you mind?
If so then I challenge you. There will be a 5k road race next weekend Oct 23rd at Columbia Rec Park. I challenge you to come out and test your fitness! For some of you it may be that you haven't ran a 5k in a few years for others maybe you have never run a 5k and others you may have a Personal Best time you have been trying to beat. Well guess what all that hard work you have been putting in at the gym will pay off, I challenge you to run the Columbia Autumn Classic Road Race. What better place to finally see what you can do!!!

October 23rd 2011
Entry Fee $25
Race start 12:20 pm
Get there a little early to register and stay a little later for a wod at the park

Questions can be answered by your trainer at the gym.

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