Monday, March 21, 2011


So while we wait for our space to be finished I don't see any reason why we should all wait to get started working out. 6 days a week we will post a workout right here on our main page, and from now until our space is finished we will post a workout that can be done at home with little to no equipment. This will help everyone get ready for the opening. These workouts will not be too hard and usually short in duration, but still great just to get you moving and ready. So here is the first Work Out of the Day (WOD).

AMRAP 10 (As many rounds as possible in ten minutes)

7 Squats
7 Push ups

Squats are full range the crease of your hip should be below your knees, and the push ups are until your chest hits the floor and locking your arms out at the top.

I hope this not only gets every one excited to get in the gym but also gets them excited about moving and working out.

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