Thursday, March 24, 2011

3-24-11 WOD

If you have worked out these past three days, today will be an off day for you. This does not mean off as in lay around all day and do nothing. Off days can be used to work on weaknesses and flexibility. So if you have a exercise you don't like or are not good at take 10 min today to practice whether its jumping rope, bear crawls, or burpees work your weaknesses!!!! If you have not done three straight days then today your work out will be

10 Burpees, 10 second plank hold
9 Burpees, 20 second plank hold
8 Burpees, 30 second plank hold
7 Burpees, 40 second plank hold
6 Burpees, 50 second plank hold
5 Burpees, 1:00 min plank hold
4 Burpees, 1:10 min plank hold
3 Burpees, 1:20 min plank hold
2 Burpees, 1:30 min plank hold
1 Burpee,  1:40 min plank hold

If you fall out of your plank the clock stops until you get back into the plank. This work out is still done for time so move as fast as you can and hold the planks for as long as you can.


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