Wednesday, March 30, 2011

3-30-11 WOD

Let The Games Begin!!
Today everyone is going to do the week 2 workout from the 2011 CrossFit Games Open. Now most of you are going to modify the weight but the reps will be the same and the standard for range of motion will all be the same.


9 Dead lifts at 155lbs
12 Push ups
15 Box Jumps

To modify this for you use a medicine ball or light weight for your dead lifts. Everyone must do the same standard for push ups YOUR HANDS MUST RELEASE FROM THE FLOOR AT THE BOTTOM OF THE PUSH UP WHILE YOU ARE LAYING FLAT ON THE GROUND. The standard box jump for men is 24 inches but you can modify to what ever height you would like whether it be a step or a small box.

ENJOY! and remember to post your number of rounds in the comments box so we can all push our selves to beat the best number of rounds!

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