Wednesday, February 8, 2012


We would like to invite all of our gym members to attend an Arbonne Night on Feb. 23rd!  Come after class and listen to a short presentation from our Arbonne representative, sample some goodies that with help keep you super healthy and socialize with your CrossFit community!  Pick up a flier at the front desk when you sign in before class for details.  We hope you will support our gym and your families health by coming to this important event.

Also,  we have developed a fitness journal for all of our gym members.  This journal is free of charge and is an excellent way for you to begin to track your fitness progress.  It is a place for you to track your exercise routines, diet/ nutrition, medical tests/ medication, personal goals, and much more!  It is my hope that you will begin using this journal and have a record of your success stories.  The journal will also prove to be a valuable tool when consulting with your trainers about how to improve your performance and achieve all of your goals.  It also gives our trainers a better idea of the work you have been doing and how to help program you more accurately.  If you would like a free copy of the journal, please leave your email address with your trainer and ask them to pass it along to Mat.  He will be sending out a confidential email to all those interested.  Until then...    Stay Strong.    Stay Fit.

- Your Columbia CrossFit Trainers

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