Monday, January 23, 2012

Superfood: EGGS

by Kissairis Munoz · Tuesday, August 30th, 2011 09:28 am GMT -5 · 
Good things come in small packages: for proof, just look at the egg. Inexpensive and loaded with nutrients the body needs for vision and brain development, eggs are this week’s superfood.

All They’re Cracked Up to Be — Why Eggs Are Egg-ceptional

Photo by Marissa Angell
A single large egg is just about 70 calories and is loaded with 6g of protein, making it a good protein alternative for vegetarians and non-vegetarians alike. Plus, they’re a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for normal body function and heart health and must be ingested through food (because the body can’t produce them on its own) [1].
Eggs can also boost eye health. Thanks to lutein and zeaxanthin, two antioxidants found in the yolks, eggs help to protect the eyes from damaging light and free radicals (like those found in cigarette smoke). Together, these two compounds might reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration, a disease that can lead to blindness [2]. Egg yolks are also chock-full of choline, a B vitamin crucial in maintaining brain cell structure, sending messages from the brain to muscles, and maintaining metabolism and memory [3] [4] [5] [6].
And for a meal with staying power, crack open a few eggs. In one study, participants felt significantly more full for longer periods of time after eating an egg omelet than when they ate meals like a baked potato or chicken sandwich [7]. Another study found that (when combined with a generally healthy lifestyle) a two-egg breakfast helped subjects get in better shape versus when they ate a bagel for breakfast [8].

Sunny Side Up or Scrambled? — Your Action Plan

When buying a carton, though, there is one thing to keep in mind. Eggs have gained a bad rap because of the cholesterol content in the yolks— but don’t throw out those yellow centers just yet. Cholesterol, a fat produced by the liver, is essential for the body to produce vitamin D, build cell walls, and digest food. Too much cholesterol in the body, however, can lead to health issues like heart disease. So the key to eating the yolks? Moderation, grasshopper. To stay on the safe side, research suggests those with high cholesterol might want to limit their egg yolk intake [9]. Still, one study suggests that limiting egg intake is far less effective than cutting out other cholesterol-raising behaviors like smoking [10]. For the most nutritional value, eating the whole egg is often the way to go.
Looking for yummy ways to incorporate more of this superfood into meals besides the standard eggs and toast? This versatile food is delicious in recipes of all kinds. Try a spinach pie for a healthy main course or a Spanish potato and onion tortilla to use eggs in a whole new way.

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