Wednesday, November 9, 2011


This is the first winter that I know that I'll be in better shape by spring than I am in the fall. I have always been athletic, but usually I notice that when I stop improving in a particular sport, I don't enjoy it anymore. I have always stopped and I look for "the next thing."

I have been doing Crossfit two times a week for three months. I am in better shape now than I was more than a decade ago, when I played ice hockey at Uconn. I've done kempo, triathlons, jujitsu, boxing, and zumba, but none have compared to the fun of crossfit. I love every single class, and I love that it continues to challenge me every time I come work out. Working with a supportive group of people is so motivating, and I am one that always said, "I'll never join a gym!" I just had never been to the Columbia Crossfit gym!

You know how you can't improve one area of your life without every other area being affected? Well, that is what I feel about Crossfit. How can I go workout and give 100%, and then not give 100% in the rest of my life? Since starting Crossfit, I've noticed that every area of my life looks brighter and is more satisfying.

Doing Crossfit has seriously improved my overall quality of life. I am so grateful!!

Leah Hardy

Thank you for sharing with us Leah. I hope more people can send us some of there testimonials on how Columbia CrossFit had help change there lives.

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