Monday, November 7, 2011

The Importance of Personal Training

People join a gym for many different reasons, some to lose weight, others to get ready for a big event or race. Whatever your goals are, Columbia CrossFit's Personal Trainers can help you get there quicker and with more efficiency and better technique. When working with a personal trainer, you will not only be working hard but you will be working functionally as well. There is no set course of action when you meet with your trainer for the first time. We will sit down with you to discuss your goals and what you expect from personal training. Then, we will also watch you move.  This is one of the biggest keys to success and also what separates trainers here at Columbia CrossFit from any old gym in a mall. If you have problem areas or restricted range of motion, we do not work around it, we work with it to help fix the issue. Mobility/ Flexibility is a big limiting factor we see all the time in the gym. This is a big area of focus when you meet with your trainer. The first part of each personal session will start with mobility exercises.

Nutrition!!!! You and your trainer can talk about your nutrition and how to make it better or more specific to your goals. The right nutrition can be the biggest key to success, and everyone is different. There is no such thing as a diet that works perfectly for everyone. So your trainer can sit with you and talk about your specific needs to fuel your body correctly.

 Lastly, a watchful trained eye is always on you. Not only will you get great instruction on how to perform exercises, but your trainer will be able to demonstrate for you (Visual learning), cue you with quick words of advice(Auditory learning), and also put you into the correct positions using various methods with bands or weights (Kinestetic learning). They will also keep track of your weights and progress as well so that you are constantly improving.

So contact us today to set up your personal training session!

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