Friday, September 30, 2011

Shawna's Two Cents... it only costs 100 Burpees!

Do you walk into the gym and immediately look at the WOD board?
Or check the Workout Of the Day on the website before coming in?
You start to read the rounds,
multiply them by the repetitions,
add up all the numbers and weights,
realize how much work you will be doing,
and how much time you have to do it, 
then look at your trainers like they are crazy ... then freak out!

How do you do 100 Burpees? One at a time! You can't do two burpees until you have done one burpee. How do you do 50 Burpees without starting with that first one and continuing one at a time? I've never seen someone do two reps simultaneously.
The only thing that can beat you during a CrossFit workout is what you have between your ears. So start that workout and get those reps done one at a time and continue until you are finished. You'd be surprised to realize how much you are capable of.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

CrossFitters Find A Way

An awesome picture that was sent to us from one of our members. He had to miss the days class but was not going to miss the WOD.  Great Job Matt!!!

Send us some of your pictures from daily CrossFit or even how CrossFit may have helped you do something you never thought you could.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Tell us what you think

In order to better serve you we would like your in put on class times. In the comments section of this post please tell us what class times work best for you. If you do not leave a comment on what time works best for you, we can not take it into consideration. This does not guarantee we will offer that class time but it will help us to get a better idea of what most people would like.

Friday, September 16, 2011

2011 Columbia Autumn Classic Road Race!!

Thats right its back again for the 15th year! We invite all of you to come out for a fun race and a great cause. All the proceeds from the race will be going to Camp Care (link can be found on bottom of our page).

The race will be held October 23,2011
You can register at
Any one is welcome but we hope to have a great Columbia CrossFit showing. There will also be a optional WOD held at the park right after the race!!

Please take a flyer next time your in the gym and any questions can be answered by the trainers.

See you ALL there!!!

Saturday, September 10, 2011


A special shout out to DJ Harris!!!!! DJ completed yesterdays ccf work out in 10min and 44sec. Those of you that did the work know just how fast that actually is! DJ beat out Zachs old fastest time by almost 2 minutes!!  The reason we are making a big deal of this is because the ccf workout is Columbia CrossFits signature work out. So for now DJ holds the gym record, happy chasing to the rest of you. 

Friday, September 9, 2011

Mobility Class

Not to many people have been coming out to Mobility Class lately so we thought we would see if a different time or even Saturday would work for everyone. Please leave some comments as to a time that may work for you. The Mobility Class is very important for all of our athletes its part of the big picture so to get the most out of all your hard work in the gym you need to be able to move well.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Remember tonight at 6:00pm we will have a open question and answer session with the coaches and owner of Columbia CrossFit. Bring a friend and some good questions.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Shawna's two only costs a hundred dollars!

Do you ever wake up in the morning wishing and wanting to smell rubber? Are you addicted to the sound of weights hitting the ground? Is sweat on your daily to do list? Wake-up CrossFitters! Now, I work the morning classes so I am usually the first person in the building. It's an eerie feeling, the whole gym is silent. I know that this is the last time the entire gym will be still all day! You have all smelt the rubber flooring and plates when you first come in but it's even stronger first thing in the morning. It wakes you right up, ready to take on the day! See you in the A.M.!